Contact Us

3D Trick Art Gallery is located in the Heritage Farm, 14 hectare farm site having various tourist attractions.
171 Fairy Springs Road, Fairy Springs, Rotorua 3015
New Zealand
Contact us: +64 (0) 7 349 0920
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1How to enjoy 3D trick Art Gallery?
It is very simple but there could be so many tricky ways to enjoy the 3D Trick Art. It really depends on your creativity.
What you will see in the Gallery is 2 dimensional hand paintings on the wall and floor. In basic, you can pose close to the painting and ask your friend or family to take a picture at the recommended distance, which is marked on the floor. The 2 dimensional hand painting turns out with 3 dimensional art, in which you are posing. Try different poses and act in fun ways to achieve the best cut.
2How to get to 3D trick Art Gallery by bus?
Rotorua CBD(Arawa ST) → Rainbow Springs/Skyline (5 mins distance)
Mon – Sat : From 6:30 AM ~ To 6:00 PM (Every 30 mins)
Sun/Public Holiday : From 7:00 AM ~ 4:00 PM (Every 1 hour
Mon – Sat : From 6:30 AM ~ To 6:00 PM (Every 30 mins)
Sun/Public Holiday : From 7:00 AM ~ 4:00 PM (Every 1 hour